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Katie's Blog: What to do...?

Katie's Blog

I'm not your average girl....but so what?!!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

What to do...?

I was talking to one of the girls from Mercy Ministries last week, and she said i should consider telling the police bout what happened with Michael and all that. I am soooo scared! I am gonna talk to the psychologist about it tomorrow when i see her, so hopefully she'll have some advice bout it.
I also gotta see the doc on Monday, and maybe change my meds, coz they dont seem to be doing much atm. The nightmares are gettin heaps bad. I hate going to bed, and put it off as long as i possibly can.
17 days, no cutting! (just...thanx Kelly) YAY for me! :D Hoping for a new record this time.
I think thats about all that has been happening lately.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you can beat your record I will buy you a lolly pop or an ice cream or something ;) lol
But seriously that is so awesome Katie I'm so proud of you! Keep up the counting!

Tell the police if you are comfortable, you are the one that has to live with every decision that you make so if it's going to make things too awkward for you with your mum then don't but if you really think that deep down it's what you should do then go for it!

I would love to see that so & so behind bars but it's not my decision to make and you're the one who has to deal with it. There will still be issues within yourself to deal with either way. Regardless of what you decide I will back you 100%

2:26 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

*cheers* You go, superchick!!

*and prays for Katie* I love you stacks, can't wait to see you tomorrow!

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey. I know this thing is gonna put me under 'anonymous' but it's Rin here! I don't know if you really wanted me to read this but I did, and it almost made me cry. I guess I came along pretty late in your life so I don't know much about what happened in the past but reading this has certainly helped me to understand you better, and I want you to know that I DON'T judge you at all. You are one of the best people I know, despite the short comings you THINK you have. True, I don't like what you do, but having a small amount of nursing experience (as if that helps..;op) I know that it is not something you can just switch off. You might think I'm jumping on the bandwagon here, but I, just like everyone else who comments on this site, think you are an absolutely amazing person who we all love to bits (bet ya surprised to hear me bein' serious for once ;op).
Anyway, these are just my initial thoughts, but remember there are ALWAYS people who you can talk to. We all love ya! :)

6:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that I'm using your blog for a message service so sorry in advance, but I'm having trouble logging onto msn for some reason, think I might need to restart my computer (haven't done that in a while) anyway I just wanted to let you know that I'm not being a snob & to email me if you need to talk to me coz I'm online as much as normal anyway & if you could spread the word I would appreciate it.
Besides from all that how are you going?

Love you heaps

2:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS Rinny if you are reading this are you going to Kat's 21st? If you are I'll see you Saturday. If not I'm sure I'll see you round chickibabe!!

PPS Sorry Katie I swear this is the last time but I'm going insane without msn

2:09 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

Mmm, I agree with Rin - Katie is a superheroine....*lightbulb switches on* Ooh! Rin as in Karin?!! *runs across the room and bowls her over in a hug*

Hey, sorry I can't make it to your and Olivia's 21st, I can't get away from Sydney until Christmas Eve. But have a great one without me, k?

*hopes Katie doesn't mind us all having a reunion on her blog*

4:45 AM  
Blogger Katie said...

lol nah, its all kool :P i already know that ur all insane :)

12:56 AM  
Blogger ><> Kelly ><> said...

hey hey babe hold up a sec, don't go thanking me.
you done all the hard work lasting so long.
Be happy YOU done it...
And you can keep on doing it.

Your a super grooviliciously purple mini sized hippo in a fluro green dress!!

serious Kat you have done great..

7:48 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

thanx, still havent cut, although have done other stuff :(

7:16 AM  

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