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Katie's Blog: Soooo angry

Katie's Blog

I'm not your average girl....but so what?!!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Soooo angry

Once again brenda is gettin to me :S

she was goin on bout this guy she had heard about, makin him sound like some sort of hero. He had apparently innapropriately touched his kids (she didnt know exactly what had happened) when they were little, and he felt that he needed to tell police and all that. anyhow, he was charged, went to jail for a year, and was obviously restricted in future work. anyhow, brenda made him out to be some sort of hero for doin that, and sayin that his kids were doin the wrong thing coz they were angry at him for doin that. I mean, i know that they need to deal with their anger and the pain and all that, but she was putting them down somethin shockin for bein angry with their father
it got me soooo angry that she was goin on like that. she thought that just coz he told the cops that it was supposed to make everythin ok.
I was soooo close to goin out to the lounge room and goin off at her somethin shockin.
it made me wonder what her reaction would be to that story if she had been abused? i dont get it. I mean, how on earth can she act as though that guy is some sort of hero? how can she pretty much say that it dont matter how much he did to his kids, coz he went to the cops? how can she possibly be so insensitive and ignorant?
Up until this happened i had been having a pretty good day. :(


Blogger ><> Kelly ><> said...


some ppl have no idea and are really insensitive!!

6:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Growing up with a not so great family life has the one advantage of being sympathetic to other people who have had a bad family life. Unfortunately some people just can't comprehend the fact that those kids are hurting & just coz he did the right thing eventually by dobbing himself in that all overrides the bad he did in the first place.
Feel sorry for her & people like her for the fact that she can't understand situations like this that unfortunately are a part of many peoples lives, she can't understand basic human emotion. I would hate to be like that, wouldn't you?

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

meant to say that doesn't override all the bad he did in the first place.

2:31 PM  
Blogger Lami said...

Lucky she aint My Step Mum.
Woulda smacked her up the side of the head.
She has nooooooo idea.
I would be like if someone killed a person, went ooops sorry!
Doesn't make it right, doesn't discount that there is a angry family left.
Those poor kids.
I pray that never encounter people like Brenda!

5:35 PM  
Blogger Deb said...

yeah, she just doesn't understand Katie....but maybe, as hard as it may be, maybe you are around to offer her another perspective....maybe you can somehow find a way to speak with her and help her to become more aware and sensitive.

....except I know things are tough there at the moment, only you know if there's a good time/opportunity to bring it up. But Jesus is there with you, whether it comes to suffering in silence or speaking up.

I love you!!

6:05 PM  

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