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Katie's Blog: My mask

Katie's Blog

I'm not your average girl....but so what?!!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

My mask

My Mask

My identity is hidden
Behind this mask called depression
It clouds up my view,
Causes me to be mistaken

"Who are you?" the ask
As they pull at that mask
"I cant tell you"
I say, wishing the moment would pass

And so I remain
As people point and complain
"We want to know you, we do"
But so scared, my mask i maintain


Blogger Nik said...

I love your poem... and I know how that feels... I feel as though I wear a mask everyday.

10:49 PM  
Blogger ><> Kelly ><> said...

you can break free from the mask.
you can live real.
those who really love you will stick by.
those who don't, you don't need.

The mask seems easier.
but in the long run it harder.
i know coz i lived the life once.

It's one you can do without..
Kat.. very well written

3:37 AM  
Blogger Deb said...

well-written, Katie!! I can't believe you only just started writing poetry, you express things SO well.

And hey, let's make a deal to be mask-less people with one another, k? I think we know one another well enough to call each other's bluff when we're attempting a lame coverup of what's really going on....I'll try to look and ask to see you beyond any mask that might go up out of habit....and if you catch me masking, burp at me or something and make me tell what's really going on!! I love you!

so, pinky swear? *wraps pinky around mouse cord*

7:45 PM  
Blogger Katie said...

*wraps pinky round mouse cord*
sounds like a pinky swear deal to me :) *hugz*

12:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

in some way, small or big....we all wear a mask. the trick is how much of our true face...our personality, our heart...that we chose to show.

oh to be brave enough to reveal the true beauty and boldness that God created...behind the mask.

10:23 AM  

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