2nd Verse from Night So Clear - Rookie
I'm floating down a winding path
The feel of peace i try to grasp
The whisper of the rustling trees
The talking of the killer bees
Haunted by a shadow's frame
An emptiness that calls my name
A cliff of daggers draws me neigh
This mirror shows an empty eye
This is very muchly describing my thoughts atm. i lay in bed at night and just wish to find that elusive cliff of daggers. This verse just shows good how empty i have been feeling lately, i feel like i am just a shadow of the real me. i dont know if that makes any sense, but then again, i am good at not making sense.
btw, i would like to point out to people that i am not literally talking about going and finding a heap of daggers to throw myself on.
thats all on this topic, got some more thoughts to do soon though.
*hugs* you are so brave, and it's going to be ok :)
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